About Us
ALEX team brings together final year Master of Engineering students with specializations in mechanical and mechatronics systems to prepare for the Powered Exoskeleton Race in CYBATHLON 2020. We seek to deliver research outcome to further improve the current capability of the exoskeleton device.
This team is made possible through the collaboration and support of Fourier Intelligence Co., Ltd. and the Robotics Laboratory within the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Melbourne.
The team comprises of four sub-teams namely:
1. Coordination Team
The primary focus of coordination team is to ensure smooth project delivery across all teams.
2. Embedded Team
The Embedded team is responsible for upgrading the existing embedded hardware on the exoskeleton device.
3. Mechanical Team
The Hardware team primarily focus is the re-designing of the hip and the ankle joint to allow the exoskeleton to be used in more general circumstances.
4. Research and Development Team
This is the key team to ensure that the exoskeleton runs safely as it was intended for.